Sweden Here I Come!

Sweden Here I Come!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Elder Milne Arrives in Sweden!

On December 17, 2013 Elder Dallin Blaine Milne arrived in Stockholm, Sweden at 7:30 am.  He was met at the airport by his mission president - President Newell.  We just received these pictures and letters:





December 26, 2013

Dear Brother and Sister Milne,

We met your son, Elder Dallin Blaine Milne, this past week as he arrived in Stockholm, Sweden. It has been a delight to become acquainted with him.

Upon arrival, he was taken in to the city of Stockholm for immigration paperwork. He then had a “glimpse of Sweden” and went to the Church’s Young Single Adult Center, located in the heart of Stockholm, for a light lunch, training, and contacting in the streets of Stockholm with one of our exceptional, experienced missionaries. The Täby chapel was his next stop with an orientation to the Sweden Stockholm Mission policies and procedures. After orientation, Sister Newell and I had dinner with him and his MTC group at the Täby chapel. I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time in an interview with your son. We concluded the day’s activities with family scriptures and prayer and retired for the evening.

The next morning we began the day promptly at 6:30 a.m. with breakfast at the Mission Home. We departed the Mission Home for the nearby Täby Chapel where the Assistants, Sister Newell and I provided training. In the second meeting of the morning, he met his new companion and trainer, Elder Steven Forsyth. They will serve together in the Umeå I area of the Sweden Stockholm Mission. I would like you to know I have experienced some of my most tangible moments of revelation in the assigning of companionships. I know your son and Elder Forsyth will learn much from each other, and together they will be edified as they labour valiantly, with full purpose of heart and obedience, in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sent previously was information on the mailing address for letters and packages. This information will help your packages arrive in a timely manner. Please share the mailing address information with relatives and friends that may be writing or sending packages. Traditionally, Preparation Day is held on Monday in the Sweden Stockholm Mission. This is the day you can expect to receive an email from your son. We encourage you to also communicate weekly with your son as correspondence from home can be a great source of faith and support for this sacred work in which he is engaged.

I bear my witness that this is the work of our Savior Jesus Christ, and it is a sacred responsibility to wear his name above my heart. I am grateful for all you have done to prepare your son and for the sacrifices you have made and are making to support him as he continues in his labors. May our Heavenly Father’s most generous blessings be with you and yours.

With respect and kind regards,

Gregory J. Newell

Gregory J. Newell, President

Welcome to Sweden Elders!
Elder Milne and his new companion
Elder Forsyth
Beautiful Stockholm!

Stockholm, Sweden LDS Temple

 View outside Elder Milne's apartment in Umea!

Christmas morning at a member's home!
Elder Milne's arrival letter to our Family:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Well, I made it in one piece.  As far as I can see Sweden is a beautiful place and all the people seem very nice.  President and Sister Newell are very nice as well.  You can tell Brother Miller that President Newell totally remembers him.  Tomorrow we get assigned to our trainers and area, so that will be exciting.  I feel pretty good.  I'm still waiting for the whole "I'm on the other side of the world teaching in a language I don't really understand" thing to hit me though.  But I know I'll be good.  I'm on the Lord's team.  "Perfect love casteth out all fear."  That's somewhere in Moroni 8 I think.  Anyways, thanks for all your prayers, they help so much.
Aldste Milne
Here is a copy of an email that the Relief Society President in Umea sent us:
Dear Milne Family,
I just want to thank you for raising an awesome son :)
E Milne came to Umeå right before Christmas, his first place in Sweden. 
Our branch is small and the northern part of Sweden is very dark during winter. 
(Now we don't even have snow to light up the ground)
Coming here is not the easiest thing I guess, especially not when you are new in our country.. 
E Milne is doing great and we are all impressed by his good Swedish. 
He has a sweet spirit and a warm smile. 
I am very impressed by E Milne's intelligent mom!!! 
We had the missionaries over for Christmas brunch. Talking about a lot of different things, your son mentioned that your advice to him was to "become a friend" with the RS president in every ward, then he will be taken care of!!!!
So true! :)
I am the RS president here. (We moved back here in September, I have always been serving in YW or Primary, never RS!!!)
I feel like a mom for our missionaries, and we are doing our best to take care of them.
My nephew is serving in Manchester England right now, I spoke to him on Christmas eve and gave him your advise :D He kind of figured that out he's first year.:)
Thank you again, 


Lisbeth Grayson
We are so grateful that Dallin has taken his mother's advice to heart, and we are so grateful for sweet Sister Grayson!

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