Doctrine and Covenants Section 4:
1. Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.
2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;
5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the gloryof God, qualify him for the work.
What a wonderful week Aldstes Milne and Van Alfen had. They were blessed to be part of the conversion of their friend Emil. I am so grateful for the wonderful experiences the Lord is blessing Dallin with. His life will be forever changed by his missionary service. Nothing compares to the joy we experience when we thrust in our sickle with all our might and reap the blessings of the harvest. Keep up the great work Elders - how great shall be your joy!My letter to Big "D" this week:
"We encourage earthly knowledge in many areas, but remember if there is ever a conflict between earthly knowledge and the words of the prophet, you stand with the prophet and you will be blessed and time will show you have done the right thing." - President Ezra Taft Benson
"There has always been a desperate need for the steady and reassuring voice of a living prophet of God: one who will speak the mind and will of God in showing the way to spiritual safety and personal peace and happiness... Our spiritual safety lies in turning to the clear voice of our living prophet." - Elder Robert D. Hales
Dear Dallin,
Happy Monday! I hope you are enjoying your p-day and that you are happy and well. It has been a beautiful Fall day here in St. George. Still a little warmer than I like this time of year - in the 80's, but at least it has cooled off a bit. The Fall pictures you have sent of Sweden are beautiful.
How did your week turnout? Did everything go well with the baptism? I am so excited to hear all about it. I am sure that your companion was super excited. You both have been working really hard, and it is so wonderful that the Lord has given you this blessing of reaping what you have sown. Keep up the good work; I am sure there are many more blessings to come.
Are all your needs being met? Is there anything I can do for you or get for you? Are the members taking good care of you? Please let me know if there is something you need.
This week went by fast as usual. It was a really busy week in school, but somehow I survived. I ended up resting most of yesterday because I came down with a sore throat so I didn't go hunting with dad and Ty. Carter has had a bad leg so he didn't go either. He received a cortisone shot for it a few days ago which really seemed to help, but today it is bothering him again. I hope we can get him healed up soon! He and Ty have made it through their first quarter of school for this year. Carter will be graduating before we know it. I cannot believe how quickly time flies. PVHS beat Payson this week in football. They will have a buy their first round of the state playoffs.
Dad and Ty headed for the hills (Pinto) early on Saturday morning. I fed them breakfast and had them out the door before 5:00 am. They came upon a four point first thing that morning and dad took some shots. They thought that he hit the deer, but they looked and looked for it to no avail. They did an awful lot of hiking. I was surprised Ty hung in there. They went with Uncle Kirk, Jason, Josh, and some of their kids. They rode on some four wheelers, and just had a good time visiting and doing some shooting. Ty was up bright and early Sunday morning to try and persuade to go back out, but dad told him they needed to go to church. After church they rode back out to the hills, but they didn't see anything tonight. I guess we will go again in the morning. I am feeling better so I will try and go with them. I don't have school Monday - yahoo! A much needed break.
Chantel had a baby girl this week. They named her Jaylee. She will have her hands full. Grandma and Raymond came down this week to go to the temple. They stayed over night. We had a nice visit with them.
Anyhow Dallin, I included those quotes in the beginning because they serve as a great reminder how important it is to always stand with the prophets and apostles. You have experienced this already in your young life. Regardless of what the world teaches, regardless of what it accepts, the prophet will always be in line with want the Lord wants. It is His will that is the most important. That is where true safety and lasting peace lie. Do all that you can to have a strong testimony of the importance of following the prophet. As conditions in the world continue to get worse and the lines of what is right and what is wrong become more blurred we can with confidence look to the prophet and apostles for guidance and direction. They are the beacon lights we must choose to follow. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet, he knows the way! Take care of yourself Dallin. Stay strong and be faithful, but even more importantly, be obedient. Prayer and obedience controls the powers of Heaven. Our Heavenly Father wants to bless you so let Him! Love you so much Dallin! I pray you are happy! Keep up the great work! Miss you!
Much Love,
Adlste Milne's Letter Home:
Hello Milne Family!
Well we sure had a great week. Everything went great with Emil's baptism. He had family come in from Stockholm to be there and the Spirit was very strong. He is a big dude and has the biggest heart. It was so cool to be able to teach him and see the spirit work inside of him as he progressed. He has already talked about serving his own mission too so we are all very excited about that. It felt so good to be able to baptize again. Really is the best feeling in the world to see someone that you have grown to love take those steps down into the waters of baptism. Emil also asked me to confirm him on Sunday. It was a really cool experience and a lady in the congregation wrote down the blessing and gave it to Emil and I am going to get a copy of that tonight when we meet him.
It is getting colder and darker and wetter here in Sweden. I am starting to pop those vitamin d pills to make up for the lack of sun. That mid 80's Southern Utah weather sure sounds nice right now. I am not looking forward to having to go through another winter in Sweden. But I'm doing good. I'm staying pretty healthy and having a good time. Don't worry about having to send anything soon. The best Christmas gift I can think of right now is just your continual prayers and some cash haha.
That's cool to hear about the hunt. too bad about the little four point though, hopefully ya'll can get a trophy. You'll have to send some pics when you get back mom. And I am hoping that Carter can get his leg going here pretty soon. Don't let him go out too much or anything keep him rested.
I'm glad that all went well with Chantel and her new baby girl. Jaylee sure is a pretty name too!
It's always good to hear from ya'll. Keep up the good work mom with everything. I wish you all the best of luck. Sorry that it is kind of a short email today. We have this Persian lady coming in today pretty soon for a lesson. We met her for the first time in church yesterday and she told us that she wants to be a Christian. We told her that we can definitely make that happen haha
Elder Milne
This Week's Pictures:
Emil's Baptism
Aldste Milne and Emil
Aldste Van Alfen and Aldste Milne
Saying goodbye to Aldste Hansen
Deer Hunting up at Blake and Gubler
Follow the mighty hunters... They know the way!
Ty scouting the area
Blaine thinks the deer might be over there
Handsome Hunter
I'm smiling. What a wonderful faithful family. Keep up the good work. Dallin looks awesome. Wearing European hair style huh? I'm smiling at the hunting pictures; so fun. I hope you are feeling better Natalie and get Carter better; I can't wait to watch him play basketball. Love to all. Aunt Kim